Fina lockar i tv-rutan [SWE] Social Media Intelligence Intern Job, Whispr Group - Mashable Jobs Why you should join the war on paying for hotel Wi-Fi Must-have skill: How to pitch a blogger Om Filter, läskunnighet och en våldtagen polisman [SWE] April in Tech New York Google Ties 25% of Employee Bonuses to Success in Social 9 Women Can’t Make a Baby in a Month 9 Women Can’t Make a Baby in a Month Collecting Facebook Fans is No Longer Enough 7 Million Fans Like Leo Messi’s Facebook Page in 7 Hours The Sleepless Elite
OMFG… ok, try to focus now, Jerry.
Anyone up for it?
Yeah, hotels should make it easy for people to share their experiences with their friends. Difficult to get better marketing than that. I mean, a hotel could pay a lot for advertising, so supplying free Wi-Fi ought to be a cheap and effective way of marketing. Simple as that.
“It can be tricky, though—bloggers work under different conditions from those of real reporters. They may not answer to an editor; some are not beholden to deadlines, and more.”
New York—a place for ‘hacks’.
“According to Business Insider, Google CEO Larry Page sent out a memo to employees on Friday detailing how 25% of their annual bonuses will now be tied to how well Google pushes out its social strategy in the coming year. “
Now that’s a headline!
Now that’s a headline!
“Some brands are starting to get the message. MTV, for example, has 154,000 active fans out of a total 17 million. Compare that to Oreo, which has the same number of fans with only 70,000 active.”
“Out of every 100 people who believe they only need five or six hours of sleep a night, only about five people really do, Dr. Buysse says.”
The illusion of self awareness, we simply cannot escape it.