It feels surreal having a Stockholm office. Together with our cool friends at Guidepal, we spent the afternoon discussing placing of desks, interior design, and just how much fun we are going to have up there on the top floor. As I walked alongside the water after that, I couldn’t help but to marvel at the beauty of Stockholm.
But for now, I miss my colleagues. I miss New York. And my Manhattan studio has been alone for too long now. So the flight over tomorrow will be a breeze. Plus, I have some really good results to bring back to the team. Our client list is beginning to take shape and we are all so very proud over it. Together we are doing real things the way I’ve always wanted them to be done. No more fancy words, only action.
And our younger talents are beginning to show superstar qualities and it’s inspiring to see how quickly they are growing. It reminds me of when I started out; it was though, but it was a fantastic time.
This weekend I will get myself a bike, I think. I have a perfect ride from Battery Park alongside the Hudson River and West Side Highway up to our New York office at 601 West 26th Street. No traffic lights, only the winds coming in from the Hudson. It will be a good way to start—and end—long days of working hard, right?
I know there’s plenty of hard workdays ahead. But life really is good, sometimes. I must remind myself to remember that.