Nu kan du följa ditt barns dagis på twitter [SWE] 8 frågor du bör ställa dig om din webbstrategi 26 Ways to Engage With Customers Using Video Det här med att sprida varumärket [SWE] 8 social media monitoring tools from Russian markets BranchOut, Inherently Viral Services And Customer Acquisition On Social Networks Facebook message persuades man to donate his kidney Content publicity – största möjligheten hittills inom pr? [SWE] No more viral – from Gapingvoid Bara att gilla läget [SWE] PR’s Biggest Mistake When Working With Influencers Milestone reached Windmill360 on Facebook - new B2B marketing agency 10 PR Pros To Follow onTwitter | The Lift Facebook Marketing Bible - Marketing Strategies for Advertisers, Brand Marketers, and Developers on Facebook Madonna Hires PR Help for Next Image Makeover The Social Media Center of Excellence App Store on Facebook Don’t abuse the quotation mark Nyhetstips i postfacket [SWE]
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Björn Elmberg med välgrundade råd.
We need more video PR! Not viral-attempting commercial, but more in a way used for communicating with people by providing useful information and value.
“Otten”? Inspirerat av “Ottestig”, månne? :)
I’m actually looking into this. A challenge, but highly interesting! But I have no profile on V-Kontakte yet… :)
I love it, Paula. You rock. Why? Read this paragraph:
“Since social networks per se are inherently viral concept ( i.e. to make the service useful to a user, itself becomes part of the user acquisition process), it’s fairly easy to misinterpret and confuse word of mouth from inherently viral concept, especially when using social networks as a platform for customer acquisition. Together with social networks, Skype is another great example of inherently viral services, there’s no benefit having free call service without having any friends to call to. Just like it’s no fun poking yourself on Facebook either, right? (Yes, poking was 2008).”
Wow, weird. In a good way. Sharing is caring meets Repo Men.
Yeah, there’s too much emphasis on content creation instead of community management, seeding and social media intelligence.
I hear you. Viral is not a strategy. You earn trust by creating valuable content and listening to what people have to say. Long-term relationships is the reward, “viral effects” is merely a bonus for a job well done.
Som jag sa på SSWC så har jag en så märklig relation till denna man, deeped. Ibland slår det mig att jag nog läst något nytt han har skrivit VARJE dag i flera ÅR. Och jag är fortfarande intresserad av vad han har att att säga, oavsett om det rör sig om growl (don’t ask) eller om den senaste snackisen på nätet. Och på senare år har vi ju även blivit konkurrenter på PR-scenen; digitala PR-strateger som vi är, kanske den tydligaste konkurrenten till och med? Och undrar vad vi gör när vi är i pensionsåldern? Antagligen är vi tvångspensionerade och bloggar järnet fortfarande… hursomhelst kommer han säkert alltid att fortsätta vara “deeped” - vilket ju nu är befäst på papperet också.
“The biggest mistake PR professionals make when working with influencers is to take a media relations approach, rather than a community relations approach.”
A very relevant post and a great quote as well.
And here’s another link to a very good PR-blog who has been in my reader for quite some time now! Keep it up!
My friend Malin Sjöman has started a new agency focusing on B2B. This is a very under-appreciated segment when it comes to social media marketing especially, so I’d recommend liking this brand ned page. She’s wicked smart, a good blogger herself and I’m sure she’ll be very happy for a couple of likes early on.
Nice list to be featured on! :)
Ambitious name - the Facebook Marketing Bible. Have someone checked it out?
Yes, where are you Madonna? Long time no see.
Would be interesting to combine these structures with the “immerse and disperse” strategy.
Cool. Must try this.
I know that I, after switching from Swedish to English on my blog, is abusing the language a bit. But I’m constantly reading stuff like this to get just at least a tiny little bit better every day.
Real-life drama? Nah, it’s much more interesting being in PR…