- What I’ve Learned from 50,000 Facebook Fans
- Massive 8.9 quake, tsunamis hit Japan - CNN.com
- The Dalai Lama retires
- i had a bike but somebody stole it and when i think about it, it makes me feel so sad
- Popular Philosophy and Kuhn’s Ashtray
- What is Menyou?
- Kate Middleton For The Win
- Plugga till journalist? [SWE]
Peter Shankman rules. We’ll be inspired by this in setting up our agency’s new Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/whisprgroup.
OMG - look at the pictures. Force of nature… looks almost fake.
As Jason Kottke puts it, at least he still tweets.
Amazing pictures from Stockholm and New York.
“But we need bumperstickers. Coffee mugs. “Philosophers of Language Do It With Rigid Designators.” “My parents went on vacation to twin earth and all I got was this lousy twee shirt.” Help me out here. How can we put the sexy back in necessary a posteriori?”
Ouch. Burn!
Lisah bloggar. Kanske inte så många i PR-branschen som är intresserade av att skola om sig till journalister? Brukar ju vara tvärtom.