PR Insights: Live Simple And Be Brilliant

by Doktor Spinn on February 10, 2022

PR Insights: Live Simple And Be Brilliant: salary passion monthly income life lessons economy advice

Here’s a life lesson:

Find joy, passions, and flow and most importantly, make sure these aren’t directly tied to your monthly income. Getting up every morning to protect a lifestyle will suck the life out of you. It’ll take the fun out of working and out of living. The lesson?

Live simple and be brilliant.

If I become a Millionaire some day, I’ll chose to live pretty much the same way I’m living today. The irony of this is, that it allows you to take the necessary risks. Because there are two kinds of people; those who wants to make more money to be safer and to have a better life, and there are those who wants to make more money to be able to take more risks simply because it feels so brilliant to be able to keep doing what they been doing all along - living and breathing to the full extent.

Either way, I think you should choose to have a better life - now. Your last suite won’t have any pockets anyway, right? Too many people get up in the morning only to pay their mortgages as it is. Or to put it in Tyler Durden’s epic words:

“The things you own might end up owning you.”

P.S. When negotiating your monthly income, your employer won’t give a rat’s ass about your lifestyle anyway. Your passion and will to create and evolve on the other hand, that’s something that’ll really count in your favor.

PR Insights: Live Simple And Be Brilliant: salary passion monthly income life lessons economy advice
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