Spinn’s Daily Smurf Tips

by Doktor Spinn on 2021-12-30 · View Comments

Infographic: Is Information Overload Over-Hyped?
I’ve been doing PR for storage vendors, and even though storage is becoming a commodity (well, it is commodity), storage services are booming. So, even though the world of storage struggles to keep the same pace as the massive information growth, it’s not really a problem here.

For online users, storage doesn’t seem to be much of a problem. Online storage is cheap, hardware storage is cheap. The problem is rather to gain control/access to all the data that is being generated by you. The data you generate is valuable to companies, and online users must become more aware of this value. But I think we will see more interesting innovation here in 2011.

As for social psychology, we are for sure pushing it more than ever before right now. We thrive in information more than ever before in human history, but it seems that being social and disregarding pure information masses on behalf of two-way interaction and social filters instead.

We can actually explain social media very well in that way - it’s a way for us to get the information we need to make our lives easier to manage. Trust in peers and experts becomes increasingly important when information overload occurs.

So, in a way, information overload triggers peer communication across the world, in real-time and in search, and that’s not a problem - that’s remarkable and great.

What we need is rather strategies, tools, and intelligence in order to extract value out of all of these pieces of information out there. And social is the gateway into this beautiful world of magic data.

Is 2011 when location-based services will sweep B2B marketing?
“I would not be surprised to see LinkedIn introduce a check-in capability in 2011. It seems like a logical next step for the business-focused social network, building upon the Twitter and Facebook-like enhancements it’s made this year, e.g. LinkedIn Recommendations and the ability to “follow” people and companies. If this happens, the rush to location-based B2B marketing will be on.”

Tillgängligare tal med teleprompter [SWE]
Trevligt, det där måste man ju testa! Använda Ipad som prompter, det är ju faktiskt lite coolt.

Facebook Beats Google for ‘Most Visited in 2010′ Title
Facebook more visited than Google in 2010. Numbers will always be numbers, but it’s still something of an epic milestone for social media.

Jaiku The Dog
Sötare än så här blir det inte!

Local officials handling snow PR in totally different ways
“Two mayors, one problem. Cleaning up the snow one news conference and one tweet at a time.”

Luckily, the blizzard is now over. But for almost 24 hour straight, I couldn’t even see the other skyscrapers from my small apartment here in Financial District.

PR firms and the link-less news release
Let’s get better, ok?

jardenberg kommenterar – 29 Dec, 2010 #jjk [SWE]
Kul, Joakim Jardenberg uppmärksammar Mikaela och Tors finfina dörrskylt! Och ett litet omnämnande om mig och @journalistlisah (som har en sprillans blogg lisahsilfwer.se) och ja, man måste ju liksom ha roligt med sociala medier också. Och vi har ju så mycket sköna vänner i den världen, så varför inte bjuda på sig själv lite? Det var säkert både en och annan som tyckte vi var töntiga, men vad tusan - de kände inte den kärlek från alla de gratulationer vi fick via sociala medier och dem hade vi inte velat byta bort för allt i världen!

Is This Real Life? In Defense of Our Virtual Connections
“Human relationships have many facets. When they’re real, they’re not real because of the things we use to cultivate them. They’re real because the human bond is there, the connection that extends beyond the means. No tool, website, or thingamajig can take that away, and none can replace it entirely. When it happens, that bond between people – either personal or professional – is as real and genuine as the individuals themselves.”

BoTrygg riskerar livet på byggare och stämmer bloggare [SWE]
Some never learn, it seems.

Why You NEED to Unprotect Your Tweets

Stop Talking About Yourself, Start Talking as Yourself
Dan Zarella turns science into common sense and then back again. Love his blog.

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