An idea on hashtags for PR #PRofWorld

by Doktor Spinn on 2022-02-06

Try to use #pr for hashtag on Twitter. It won’t work; you’ll end up with a bunch of irrelevant info, sometimes on PR as we know it, but just as often it might be on PageRank, which is interesting, but still.

That’s why I believe in the #PRof-system. If we could make it stick.

For Sweden, we could use the #PRofSweden hashtag - some already do. Then for say Denmark, it’s #PRofDenmark, for Norway #PRofNorway and so on. And for those occassions for when to reach the global PR community, #PRofWorld.

Now, I know how hard this would be to manifest. One idea is to use the World Public Relations Forum 2010 in Stockholm as a platform for getting the forum’s messages across. The #wprf tag during the two days in Stockholm will be powerful in order to reach influential and digital PR professionals around the world.

If you belive in this idea and want to be a part of making it happen, please save some searches for #PRofSweden, #PRofWorld and #wprf. Also, join on Facebook and invite your international PR colleagues!

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