The Human Algorithm: How Google Ranks Tweets in Real-Time Search
“Perhaps the next iterations of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Optimization (SMO) will focus on enhancing the link structures of human relationships to escalate the prominence of our stature and the social objects we create and share.”

Underskattade sociala medier: Del 1 – Pusha
Delandet på mikronivån hänger ihop med de effekter vi sedan ser på makronivån. Även relativt “lite” delande får viktiga och uppenbara effekter.

Tweeting for Social Good in Davos
“For nearly 20 years, the Internet has been hyped as giving more power to the people. Sometimes the hype is true. The latest wave of interactive networking tools provide platforms for making rapid progress on issues that people care about, while bypassing the need for top-down decision-making. This idea pervaded Davos 2010.”

Fler PR-byråer ger gratislektioner - Ny handbok ute
Nonprofit PR tipsar om Agenda PR och Lobbyhandboken.

Wikipedia Editing Guidelines for Marketing and Public Relations Professionals
How do you edit Wikipedia professionally?

Three Reasons Not to Use Influencer Engagement
“Don’t proceed if you do not plan on amplifying their word of mouth to achieve some real impact.” Agreed - otherwise your social media activities will be just for show.

Veckan som gick – Vecka 4
Veckobrevet signerat Jerry. Ett hastverk.

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