Intressant resonemang om varför Andreas Ehn på Spotify drar vidare.
Mediedrev 2.0 - intressant ny bok.
Social media naturals?
TV4Nyheterna Uppsala har en egen Fan Page på Facebook! Med ett bekant ansikte på bilden! :) Go join!
“Being a part of the online community is NOT what many people say it is. It is not either or. It is not a zero sum game between offline IRL stuff and online stuff. It is a new market. Why not move into it. Why not take the corner spots on each street and why not put people in your stores? It is that simple. It is all the same. You know how to do this. A new format, yes, but you know the art of business and what’s happening truly is business. Keep the offline, add the online!”
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Smurftips #PRofSweden
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